Как исправить ошибку в ядре процессора

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Dell :: M4400 Overheating And Shutting Down!

Mar 13, 2010

I don’t know if I shoudl be posting this in the M4400 thread, so please accept my apologies if it should be. I’m a proud M4400 owner, and have been for a while now. However, I just installed Win7 x64 (upgrade from Vista x64), and the first thing I did was install RMClock then undervolt it. I’m very familiar with doing this, and with overclocking/undervolting in general (my PC is a 4.5GHz Q9650!). After undervolting it to 1.025v at the 10x multiplier I set about to do some stress testing, whilst also monitoring temps with coretemp. I guess for temp measurements to be meaningful we need to start with Ambient temps. In my room it is probably around 13-15C (55-59F), as in too cold to sit around in a t-shirt (I’m in Austria, it’s winter, and the heating isn’t cranked because I like to run my computer cool!).

Тест на неисправный блок питания с OCCT

Проверка на наличие аппаратных сбоев с вашим блоком питания будет непростой, если у вас нет подходящего аппаратного обеспечения. Вы можете проверить свой блок питания, используя мультиметр или специальный инструмент для тестирования блока питания.

Большинство программных средств проверки блоков питания не могут точно определить, работает ли ваш блок питания правильно.

Тем не менее, если вы хотите попробовать тест программного обеспечения блока питания, я бы предложил использовать OCCT, бесплатный инструмент для стресс-тестирования CPU / GPU / PSU. OCCT стресс-тестирует ваш процессор, графический процессор и материнскую плату, и в процессе может обнаружить любые неисправности с вашим блоком питания.

Открыть OCCT. Под Тестовая конфигурация, Выбрать Мощность, Выберите вашу видеокарту, затем установите разрешение 1920 × 1080. Сохраните любую работу и закройте все другие открытые программы в вашей системе. Когда будете готовы, нажмите на большую красную иконку в OCCT, чтобы начать стресс-тест.

Разработчик OCCT заявляет, что «большинство ошибок обнаруживаются в течение первых 5 минут. Тем не менее, я рекомендую сделать хотя бы 1-часовой тест, чтобы быть уверенным ».

После завершения теста OCCT создает журнал, в котором выявляются любые возможные ошибки блока питания (или с другим оборудованием!).

Скачать: OCCT для Windows (Свободно)

The Windows Event Log

The Windows event log can be viewed using Microsoft’s Event Viewer. Just type “Event Viewer” in the start menu search box and press return. That should start it.

Crash information is stored in the sub category “Application” under “Windows Logs”. The two event sources that describe crashes are Windows Error Reporting and Application Error. These are event id 1000 and 1001.

The image above shows a Windows Error Reporting event has been selected. The human readable form is shown below in the General tab. Although I say human readable, it really is unintelligible gibberish. None of the fields are identified and you have nothing to work with. The details tab isn’t any better – the raw data is present in text or XML form. Here’s the XML for the crash shown above.

<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
    <Provider Name="Windows Error Reporting" /> 
    <EventID Qualifiers="0">1001</EventID> 
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2020-02-12T10:09:34.000000000Z" /> 
    <Security /> 
    <Data>Not available</Data> 
    <Data /> 
    <Data /> 
    <Data /> 

There’s quite a bit of data in here, the purpose of each field implied, not stated. Towards the end is some information related to minidumps, but if you go searching for it, the minidump will no longer be present.

The format for Application Error crashes is different.

What Is the Event Log Service, and Why Is It Running Into Issues?

The Event Log service is a Windows feature that manages events and event logs. Various apps (such as the Task Scheduler) depend on this service to run effectively. So, it’s always a good idea to ensure that this service is up and running at all times.

Here are some reasons why this service might be running into issues:

  • The Log Service is disabled.
  • You’ve configured the wrong security settings in the log directory.
  • Your device has too many log files and isn’t able to handle all of them.
  • There are issues with some of your PC’s registry keys.

Let’s now check out how you can get rid of the “Event Log service is unavailable” error.

HP 2000t-2d00 Lockups :: Laptop Not Shutting Down Automatically

Aug 2, 2014

I have an HP 2000t-2d00 CTO Notebook PC, Model: D6Q45AV.While I shut down my laptop, the computer shuts down with the message saying Shutting Down as normal.However when the screen turns black, the power is still on (lights are still on) and the computer does not shut down.I have waited for it to automatically shut down for 15 minutes, but instead I held onto the power button to manually shut it down.Also, I cannot restart the computer nor put it on sleep mode.When I restart the computer, the restarting screen only appears and does not restart the computer.While trying to put the computer on sleep mode, the screen turns black, but still the power is still on. Yesterday night when I shut down, I got the Shutting Down message, the screen turned black, and the computer shut down in 10 seconds (all lights are off) as it normally should. Is there a software update that would solve this issue?

HP Pavilion G6-1b60us Lockups :: Notebook Not Fully Restarting

Jul 19, 2014

I have a HP Pavillion g6-1b60us notebook pc product number: LW350UA#ABA and for the last few months it has been having trouble fully restarting.  Whenever a windows update runs, and my computer begins the restart process to finish the update, it will turn off, but will not turn back on automatically.  The screen will go black, and the power light is still on, but nothing else will work on the computer unless you force shutdown the computer and then turn it back on.  I’ve waited overnight to see if it would restart and it would not.  I’ve updated all my drivers and run numerous virus and malware programs to make sure it wasn’t a bug causing it, and now I’m stuck.

HP Pavilion G6 Lockups :: 1311eo Doesn’t Start After Overheating?

Jul 31, 2014

ive had my computer for years(warranty has expired) and it has worked very fine except it has been always very prone to overheat. A week ago it overheated(again), and after that it hasnt started anymore. I press the power button, i see caps light once or twice(yes indeed, when starting it might show once and then next time twice and so on..).  startup goes like this: first there will come normally that screen where reads «press ESC to startup menu», hten screen goes black and it should open windows but it doesnt. Instead it makes an restart and does that all the time. Ive ran all diagnostics and those are just saying passed to everything. I have also tried «hard reset» but that has no effect. Also F11 in startup(system recovery) doesnt work.

Lenovo P/Y/Z Series :: Y560 Overheating And Shutting Down

Feb 11, 2012

I’ve bought the Lenovo Y560 laptop ~1.5 years ago and I’ve been very satisfied with its performace overall, but I’ve recently noticed, it overheats and shuts down when playing newer games (doesnt appear in games like WoW or LoL or similar low end system req games). And we all know why we bought such a high performance machine (and it isnt to use Facebook).  I’ve installed Hardware Monitor and my idle temperatures on my i7 are ~60 degrees and my GPU is ~55 degrees. Seems pretty ok I guess. Under heavy load, they exceed 97 degrees and thats when the system shuts down, beacuse of thermal protection.  I’ve tried testing with bios 71 and bios 59, but the problems persist and I didnt really notice much of a difference, but I have read that under some bios the fan doesnt go over a certain %, but never reaches 100% speed. I’ve also updated GPU drivers and energy management thingy. Now, I have come to two solutions — I am going to clean the pc today, apply new thermal paste and blow out the dust and stuff. The other is, but I dont really want to do it, is to cut the blue wire that is the fan control one, but then the fan would be at 100% constantly, which is just not needed (noise and stuff).  Those underload temperatures are measured with my cooling station active (homemade from 2 old GPU fans).


Load the crashing exe (or DLL) into DbgHelpBrowser. This will cause the symbols to be loaded for the DLL (assuming symbols have been created and can be found). We’re not covering versioning the DLL as most likely you will have your own methods for this.

Choose the option Find Symbol from Event Viewer XML crash log… on the Query menu. The Event Viewer Crash Data dialog is displayed.

Paste the XML data into the dialog and click OK.

The main display will select the appropriate symbol in the main grid and display the relevant symbol, filename, line number and source code in the source code viewer below.

HP Compaq Presario CQ42 Display :: System BIOS Detected Notebook Was Placed In Hibernation To Avoid Overheating

Jun 24, 2014

i have a compaq presario CQ42 . today i has disassembling my laptop and applying thermal paste on cpu and gpu . so , the problem is when i play games about 5min or 10min my laptop suddenly go on sleep and shutdown itself then i try to restart it and after that i get this message»The system bios has detected your notebook PC was placed in hibernation to avoid overheating .The system is now operating normally and your data should remain intact. Overheating may occur if the cooling vents are blocked or the operating temperature exceed the specification. The notebook PC should return to normal operation once the situation is resolved.

Windows 10 Event Log Errors

Increase the maximum files size of the Startup Event Trace Sessions.

  • On the desktop, press Windows key + R and type cmd to open the Command Prompt (must be done in Administrator profile, or raised to Administrator via the Start Menu).
  • Type ‘perfmon’ (without the quotes)
  • The Performance Monitor window should open
  • On the left panel of the Performance Monitor window, expand Data Collector Sets.
  • Click on Startup Event Trace Sessions.
  • Open ReadyBoot Trace Session Property Sheet.
  • Click on the Stop Condition tab and increase the Maximum Size to 40.
  • Click on Apply and OK.

DistributedCOM — 10016 — None

Kernel-EventTracing — 3 — Session — PerfDiag Logger

  • Open regedit.exe as Administrator
  • Navigate to:

Edit the following keys from 1 to 0

NOTE: This does not cure the error messages, but it prevents them being shown in the event logs.

Kernel-Processor-Power (Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Processor-Power) — 37 — (7)

General (tab) (plain text description):

The speed of processor X in group X is being limited by system firmware. The processor has been in this reduced performance for X seconds since the last report.

Fix — Method One:

Update BIOS/UEFI firmware

Microsoft-Windows-AppModel-Runtime — 79 & 80

The above is just one example of a programme that may causing the problem.

  • Start > Settings > Apps,
  • Find each affected app in the list
  • Click to select it
  • Choose Advanced option
  • Then click ‘Terminate’ then use the option ‘Repair’ if it is available, then finish with the ‘Reset’ option.
  • Restart the system and check the event viewer log.

Error 10016

  • Level — Error
  • Source — Schannel
  • Event ID — 36871

A fatal error occurred while creating a TLS client credential. The internal error state is 10013.

  • Level — Warning
  • Source — User Device Registration
  • Event ID — 360

Windows Hello for Business provisioning will not be launched. Device is AAD joined ( AADJ or DJ++ ): Not Tested User has logged on with AAD credentials: No Windows Hello for Business policy is enabled: Not Tested Windows Hello for Business post-logon provisioning is enabled: Not Tested Local computer meets Windows hello for business hardware requirements: Not Tested User is not connected to the machine via Remote Desktop: Yes User certificate for on premise auth policy is enabled: Not Tested Machine is governed by none policy. Cloud trust for on premise auth policy is enabled: Not Tested User account has Cloud TGT: Not Tested See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=832647 for more details.

  • Level — Warning
  • Source — DistributedCOM
  • Event ID — 10016

The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID

to the user NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE SID (S-1-5-19) from address LocalHost (Using LRPC) running in the application container Unavailable SID (Unavailable). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.

Removing the drudgery

The previous two sections have described which fields to extract data from. If you’re doing this manually this is tedious and error prone:

  1. You have to search for the event id or event name. In most Windows event logs there will be multiple items to examine.
  2. For each item that matches your event id search you need to select the correct values from the correct fields and then use another application to turn them into a symbol, filename and line number.
  3. Our tools DbgHelpBrowser and MapFileBrowser are designed to take a crash offset inside a DLL and turn it into a human readable symbol, filename and line number. But that still requires you to do the hard work of fishing the correct data out of the XML dump.

Now there is a better way, we’ve added an extra option to these tools that allows you to paste the entire XML data from a crash event and the tool then extracts the data it needs to show you the symbol, filename and line number.

Lenovo Y410 P/Y/Z Series :: Overheating And Shutting Down

Nov 17, 2014

I have found that when playing games like Far Cry 3 or Dragon Age: Inquisition, my Y410 will shutoff at random points..Here is the event log leading up to that. Warning 9/15/2013 3:35:35 PM Kernel-Processor-Power (Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Processor-Power) 37 (7)Warning 9/15/2013 3:35:35 PM Kernel-Processor-Power (Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Processor-Power) 37 (7)Warning 9/15/2013 3:35:35 PM Kernel-Processor-Power (Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Processor-Power) 37 (7)Warning 9/15/2013 3:35:35 PM Kernel-Processor-Power (Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Processor-Power) 37 (7)Warning 9/15/2013 3:35:35 PM Kernel-Processor-Power (Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Processor-Power) 37 (7)  I do have the auxilary fan installed.

HP 15-d035dx Audio :: Sound Distortion And Overheating With Notebook

Aug 12, 2014

I have an HP 15-d035dx Notebook PC. Lately I’ve been having issues with the sound, which I believe to be temperature related and I wasn’t sure whether to put this in the audio or hardware board.  Anyway, at least once a day I have to restart because any sound output— videos, skype calls, music— beging to stutter severely and sound how I can only describe as «robotic.» After restarting, it goes back to normal. There are no error messages, the system just begins to lag and affected programs become unresponsive.  Usually when this happens, I notice that my device is unusually hot. Ever since I purchased it, I have never heard or felt air moving in the vents so I’m not sure if the fan is functional. I’m afraid to take it apart to make sure in case that voids the warranty, but I suspect excessive heat might be damaging the components related to this issue. The default sound device is  Realtek High Definition Audio

Dell Inspiron 1545 :: Shutting Off Randomly But Isn’t Overheating

Jan 18, 2015

My wife’s Inspiron 1545 from late 2008 is having a new issue wherein it is randomly shutting off but not due to heat.  The computer will shut off when not connected to AC power randomly.  Sometimes it will last 10 minutes, other time 40.  What’s odd the is computer reads anywhere from 50% — 85% battery life left.  I’m certain it’s not overheating because it doesn’t get hot.  Also,I disassembled rear cover and reset the CPU cooler with new thermal paste as a precaution yet the problem persists.I ran the boot hardware diagnostic test all the way through with no errors.  The harddrive has no audible clicking/crunching which usually indicates an HDD headed south.

Что такое критическая ошибка Kernel-Power?

Критическая ошибка Kernel-Power — системная ошибка, приводящая к сбою системы. Ошибка может сработать при различных обстоятельствах, хотя все они связаны с проблемой питания.

Однако проблема Kernel-Power не всегда указывает на проблему с источником питания, скорее это проблема с аппаратным обеспечением вашей системы, вызывающая сбой питания, и, в свою очередь, сбой вашей системы.

Критическая ошибка Kernel-Power связана с идентификатором 41 события. Кроме того, идентификатор 41 события Kernel-Power сопровождается ключевыми словами (70368744177664), (2), который вы можете использовать, чтобы точно определить вашу ошибку.

Итак, что вызывает ошибку 41 Kernel-Power?

Хотя это распространенный код ошибки завершения работы, существует несколько распространенных причин, которые можно легко исправить:

  1. Обновите Windows 10
  2. Отключить быстрый запуск Windows 10
  3. Переустановите ОЗУ и видеокарту
  4. Запустите CHKDSK и SFC
  5. Тест на неисправный блок питания

Давайте рассмотрим эти исправления шаг за шагом и исправим ошибку ядра ядра Windows 10.

Проверьте, обновлена ​​ли Windows 10. Microsoft часто выпускает обновления для Windows 10, исправляя ошибки и другие проблемы. Ваша критическая ошибка Kernel-Power может быть вызвана ошибкой, к которой готовится исправление в обновлении.

Нажмите Ключ Windows + I, тип Обновить в поле поиска и выберите Проверьте наличие обновлений, Если ожидается обновление, загрузите и установите его, а затем перезагрузите систему.

Acer :: Aspire 5100 Overheating Then Shutting Down

Dec 29, 2008

I think that it is an overheating problem considering my laptop (ONLY recently) seems to be getting very hot, to the point it needs to shut down. But this is the strange thing: I had Windows Vista installed on this laptop (Acer Aspire 5100) earlier, and my battery almost never heated up to the point it needed to shut down, or even heat up to an extreme level…. But now that I have downgraded to Windows XP SP2, it seems to shut down MUCH more often. But I did find one thing of concern. Around the same time my laptop started shutting down, I installed an application called ‘Game Speed Changer’ and that whenever I had used it, it slowed my computer down immensely, and then when I went to close it, the BSOD would appear. Every time.

5. Edit the Windows Registry

If the issue persists, then you could try tweaking a few Registry settings. However, start by backing up your Registry Editor first before proceeding.

Otherwise, here are some settings you could tweak to tackle the issue at hand:

  1. Press Win + R to open the Run command dialog box.
  2. Type Regedit and press Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  3. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > EventLog.
  4. Double-click the Start value on the right-hand side pane.

Next, set the Value data to 1 and press OK. This will ensure that the Event Log service is enabled.

Finally, restart your device and see if this helps.

Acer :: Aspire 5520 Shutting Down. NOT Overheating

Mar 11, 2010

I’m in the repair field and I’ve got a customer’s Aspire 5520 that was brought in for overheating. The machine had gone to Iraq, and the customer has indoor dogs..so yes, the fins on the heat pipe were very clogged. Got it all cleaned out, and the machine is still shutting itself off after between 10 minutes and 30 seconds of use.Now, the machine isn’t overheating. SpeedFan and a few other CPU temp utilities are showing the CPU to be around 45*c when the machine is randomly shutting down. 45c is not what I’d consider hot for a Turion x2. It’s not a RAM issue, I’ve replaced the CPU and am getting the same symptoms.

1. Start or Enable the Windows Event Log Service

One of the easiest solutions to this issue is to start or enable the Windows Event Log service. First, we’ll try starting this service and see if this helps:

  1. Press Win + R to open the Run command dialog box.
  2. Next, type services.msc and press Enter to open the Services window.
  3. Scroll down and locate the Windows Event Log service. Right-click on the service and select Start. If the service is already running, click the Restart option.

If the issue persists, try to configure a few settings as follows:

  1. Open the Services window as per the previous steps.
  2. Double-click on the Windows Event Log service.
  3. Navigate to the General tab on the next window.
  4. Next, click the Startup type drop-down menu and select Automatic.
  5. Click Apply and then click OK. Finally, press the Start button to run the service.

Restart your device to save these changes. If the issue persists, try configuring the same settings for the Windows Event Collector and see if that helps.

Способы исправления

Пользователю нужно начать с легких способов устранения неполадки: проверка обновлений Windows и драйверов, антивирусное сканирование. Ниже представлены главные методы восстановления работы компьютера.

Проверка системных файлов

Системные файлы можно случайно удалить или повредить, когда пользователь открывает папки на диске. Также вирусы — распространенная причина повреждения файлов компьютера или ноутбука. Проверить целостность файлов Windows несложно:

  • Нажать на строку поиска, расположенную на Панели задач в нижней части экрана.
  • Ввести «Командная строка» и кликнуть правой кнопкой мыши.
  • Запускается приложение от имени Администратора.
  • Далее появится Командная строка, в которую пользователь должен ввести «sfc/scannow» без лишних пробелов, нажать «Enter» на клавиатуре и подождать.

Спустя пару секунд строка покажет, есть ли поврежденные файлы.

Если все хорошо, понадобится перезагрузка компьютера для корректной работы. Однако, если событие снова возникает, придется повторить действия с Командной строкой, вписать туда: «dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth» и снова нажать клавишу «Enter».

На отметке 20 % подождать: если изменений не происходит, все нормально. Но если в процессе такой процедуры вносятся изменения, пользователю придется перезагрузить компьютер и снова сделать запрос на поврежденные файлы, как в шаге 4.

Очистка системы от временных файлов

Из-за загруженности компьютера временными файлами может произойти и такая ошибка. Для устранения неполадок выполняется очистка, проводящаяся по инструкции:

Снова найти Командную строку на Панели задач.

Ввести команду «cleanmgr», после чего нажать клавишу «Enter».

Выбрать диск для очистки. Чаще всего очищают диск, на котором установлена проблемная программа. Иногда очищают не только тот диск.

  • Выбрать в окне, что именно очистить. Можно поставить галочку напротив нескольких пунктов, но сначала выбрать пункт «Временные файлы».
  • Подтвердить выбор и перезагрузить компьютер по завершении операции.

Такой метод способен исправить не только эту, но и прочие системные ошибки. Лишние файлы влияют на производительность работы устройства, поэтому избавляться от них стоит вовремя.

Восстановление системы

Если ни один способ не помог в лечении компьютера от ошибок, подходящий метод — восстановление Windows. Это откат до предыдущего состояния, когда неполадок не возникало. С помощью такого способа не только решают почти проблемы, но и очищают систему от личных файлов.

Для восстановления выполняют следующие действия:

Потребуется выбрать строку поиска и ввести «Восстановление».

  • Перейти в этот раздел и нажать на кнопку «Начать» — справа от списка.
  • Выбрать из предложенного: удаление всех данных или с сохранением таковых. После подтверждения система запустит процесс.

Если удалить все данные с компьютера, получится совершенно чистая система без личных файлов. Такой способ подходит в тяжелых ситуациях и при необходимости начать все с начала. В большинстве же случаев подойдет откат с сохранением данных, где Windows просто вернется к предыдущему состоянию, без потери пользовательских настроек.

Исправить ошибку 6008 несложно, главное – делать все правильно, а при работе с системой не трогать и не удалять системные файлы. Правильная установка и регулярное обновление драйверов предотвращают частые проблемы, возникающие в системе Windows 10.

HP/Compaq :: HP DV 4 Overheating/Shutting Itself Off

Sep 8, 2009

I currently own a HP DV4 1275mx laptop. I have had it since April 2009. This is a product replacement for my DV2000 that had the bad nvidia chip and left this world. It only lasted 9 months.Here are my issues (i do say they are eerily familiar)Its freaking hot as a volcano. So hot that I can hardly use my touchpad mouse without it hurting my fingers. I thought I was just being paranoid when I first got it since my last one got hot and then out of nowhere just died. So, I downloaded speed fan a few months ago once it started to really worry me. The temps range from at the lowest 65C and will get up to 105C. I called HP support right away (3 months ago) they ran BIOS updates and all of that and sent me on my merry way. Well now it likes to just shut itself off (i’m assuming a fail safe so it doesn’t blow up on me). It takes a good few minutes and at least 3 or 4 tries to get it to boot up all the way again. Called HP again, ran the same updates and some diagnostics that my computer couldn’t even get through without overheating. They are having me send it in for repair……………

3. Overwrite Redundant Log Files

You could also bump into this error if your device contains too many log files. In this case, your PC isn’t able to handle new log files.

The best solution here would be to overwrite old, redundant log files.

To overwrite log files, you’ll need to use the Windows Event Viewer. This is an incredible tool that helps you view and analyze logs with ease.

  1. To get started, press Win + X to open the Quick Access Menu.
  2. Select Event Viewer from the menu items.
  3. Click the Windows Logs drop-down menu in the top-left corner of the screen. You should see the Application, Security, Setup, System, and Forwarded Events options.

You need to overwrite log files for all the options that appear under the Windows Logs menu. So, we’ll show you how you can do this for one option, and you can apply the same procedure for others.

In this case, let’s check out how you can clear redundant log files on the System option.

  1. Click the System option under the Windows Logs drop-down menu.
  2. Next, click the Properties option on the right-hand side pane.
  3. Navigate to the General tab.
  4. Check the Overwrite events as needed (oldest events first) box.
  5. Press Apply and then press OK.

From there, apply the same settings for the Application, Security, Setup, and Forwarded Events options.

4. Manually Remove Old Log Files

Overwriting old log files might not always help. In this case, you might need to manually remove old log files to tackle the issue at hand.

To do this, you’d need to remove the RtBackup folder. This is a Windows folder containing real-time event logs of applications and other services. However, the folder is restricted a lot, so you’d need to boot into safe mode and configure a few security settings first.

To get started, here’s how you can boot into safe mode:

  1. Press Win + R to open the Run command dialog box.
  2. Type msconfig and press Enter to open the System Configuration window.
  3. Navigate to the Boot tab and check the Safe boot option.
  4. Press Apply, press OK, and then restart your device.

From there, navigate to the folder containing the RtBackup contents and configure some security settings. Here’s how you can do this:

  1. Press Win + R to open the Run command dialog box.
  2. Type the following command and press Enter:

Right-click on the RtBackup folder and select Properties. Next, navigate to the Security tab and click the Advanced button.

From there, click the Change button next to the Owner option. Next, type your username in the Enter the object name box and then click the Check Names button. Once the system detects your username, click OK to save these changes.

If you don’t know your username, open the Command Prompt, type whoami, and press Enter.

In the next window of the RtBackup folder, check the Replace owner on subcontainers and objects box. From there, press OK to save these changes.

Now, you should be able to remove the RtBackup folder and get rid of the “Event Log service is unavailable” error. To do that, right-click on the RtBackup folder and select Delete. Finally, restart your device to save these changes.

Why does the Kernel Power 41 black screen appear?

The reasons behind this problem are pretty vast, but we will highlight some of the main ones. We are firstly referring to improper shutdown – if this error appears right after a crash, clearly, the system failed to initialize some important components.

Sometimes, when your Windows PC freezes randomly, the system is left with corrupted files causing this problem. The Kernel Power 41 error may also be caused by problematic drivers. Many reported that the driver has stopped responding and has recovered.

Here are some more variations and causes of the Kernel Power 41 problem:

  • Kernel Power 41 after sleep mode – If there are any errors with your power settings or a delayed Windows update that’s not properly installed, the error can happen after sleep or hibernation.
  • Kernel Power error when playing games – Some games are pretty resource-demanding. That’s why you can bump into kernel-power 41 (63) on Windows 10 while gaming.
  • Kernel Power 41 in Windows 7 – Although we’re talking about Windows 10 here, Kernel Power 41 is error is also common in Windows 7. Either way, you can use most solutions from this article.
  • Kernel Power event 41 task 63 in Windows 10 – Another variation of the Kernel Power 41 error.
  • Kernel Power 41 when using a Windows 10 laptop – This error is equally common on Windows PC and laptops.
  • BSOD 0x8000400000000002 – Kernel Power 41 error usually causes a BSOD followed by the 0x8000400000000002 error code.

Now that we know the reasons behind this issue and its possible iterations, let’s start fixing it.

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